import zipfile import sys #def find TECH_SCORE_MULTIPLIER = 10 ACCUMULATED_ENERGY_MULTIPLIER = 0.1 ACCUMULATED_MINERALS_MULTIPLIER = 0.05 ACCUMULATED_INFLUENCE_MULTIPLIER = 0.05 ENERGY_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER = 2 MINERAL_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER = 1.5 INFLUENCE_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER = 1 NUM_SUBJECTS_MULTIPLIER = 30 MILITARYPOWER_MULTIPLIER = 0.03 NUM_COLONIES_MULTIPLIER = 15 NUM_PLANETS_MULTIPLIER = 0.01 class Country: def __init__(self, s): = '' self.s = s self.score = 0 self.techscore = 0 self.currentenergy = 0 self.currentminerals = 0 self.currentinfluence = 0 self.energyproduction = 0 self.mineralproduction = 0 self.influenceproduction = 0 self.numsubjects = 0 self.militarypower = 0 self.numcolonies = 0 self.numplanets = 0 self.init() self.calcscore() def calcscore(self): self.score += TECH_SCORE_MULTIPLIER * self.techscore self.score += ACCUMULATED_ENERGY_MULTIPLIER * self.currentenergy self.score += ACCUMULATED_MINERALS_MULTIPLIER * self.currentminerals self.score += ACCUMULATED_INFLUENCE_MULTIPLIER * self.currentinfluence self.score += ENERGY_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER * self.energyproduction self.score += MINERAL_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER * self.mineralproduction self.score += INFLUENCE_PRODUCTION_MULTIPLIER * self.influenceproduction self.score += NUM_SUBJECTS_MULTIPLIER * self.numsubjects self.score += MILITARYPOWER_MULTIPLIER * self.militarypower self.score += NUM_COLONIES_MULTIPLIER * self.numcolonies self.score += NUM_PLANETS_MULTIPLIER * self.numplanets def init(self): def checkn(k, n, m): return k[0:n+len(m)] == '\t'*n+m kt = self.s.split('\n') mode = 0 for k2 in range(len(kt)): k = kt[k2] if (checkn(k, 2, 'name=')): = k[k.find('"')+1:k.rfind('"')] elif (checkn(k, 3, 'technology=')): kk = kt[k2+1] if (checkn(kk, 3, 'level=')): self.techscore += int(kk[kk.find('=')+1:]) elif (checkn(k, 2, 'modules=')): mode = 1 # MODULE MODE elif (checkn(k, 3, 'standard_economy_module=')): mode = 2 elif (mode == 2 and checkn(k, 4, 'resources=')): mode = 3 elif (mode == 3 and checkn(k, 5, 'energy=')): self.currentenergy = float(k[k.find('=')+1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')[0]) elif (mode == 3 and checkn(k, 5, 'minerals=')): self.currentminerals = float(k[k.find('=')+1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')[0]) elif (mode == 3 and checkn(k, 5, 'influence=')): self.currentinfluence = float(k[k.find('=')+1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')[0]) elif (mode == 2 and checkn(k, 4, 'last_month=')): mode = 2.5 elif (mode == 2.5 and checkn(k, 5, 'energy=')): self.energyproduction = float(k[k.find('=')+1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')[0]) elif (mode == 2.5 and checkn(k, 5, 'minerals=')): self.mineralproduction = float(k[k.find('=')+1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')[0]) elif (mode == 2.5 and checkn(k, 5, 'influence=')): self.influenceproduction = float(k[k.find('=')+1:].replace('{', '').replace('}', '').split(' ')[0]) elif (checkn(k, 2, 'subjects=')): kk = kt[k2+1].strip() if kk != '}': self.numsubjects = len(kk.split(' ')) elif (checkn(k, 2, 'military_power=')): self.militarypower = float(k[k.find('=')+1:]) elif (checkn(k, 2, 'owned_planets=')): kk = kt[k2+1].strip() if kk != '}': self.numcolonies = len(kk.split(' ')) elif (checkn(k, 2, 'controlled_planets=')): kk = kt[k2+1].strip() if kk != '}': self.numplanets = len(kk.split(' ')) elif (k.strip() == '}' and mode == 3): mode -= 1 zf = 'C:/Python33/stellarisscorechecker/2204.01.07.sav' def ttt(): save = zipfile.ZipFile(zf) f ='gamestate') s = str(, 'utf-8') f.close() countries = s[s.find('country={'):] t = 1 cdata = [] csdata = '' for i in range(len('country={') + 1, len(countries)): if countries[i] == '{': if (t == 1): csdata = '' k = countries[i-1] j = i-1 while(k != '\t'): csdata = k + csdata j -= 1 k = countries[j] t += 1 elif countries[i] == '}': t -= 1 if (t == 1): cdata.append(csdata + '}') csdata += countries[i] if (t == 0): countries = countries[:i+1] break cntrs = [] for i in cdata: c = Country(i) cntrs.append(c) csv = 'Name,Score,Number of Known Techs,Military Power,Number of Colonies,Number of Planets,Number of Subject Nations,Accumulated Energy,Accumulated Minerals,Accumulated Influence,Energy Production,Minerals Production,Influence Production\n' for c in cntrs: csv += str( + ',' csv += str(c.score) + ',' csv += str(c.techscore) + ',' csv += str(c.militarypower) + ',' csv += str(c.numcolonies) + ',' csv += str(c.numplanets) + ',' csv += str(c.numsubjects) + ',' csv += str(c.currentenergy) + ',' csv += str(c.currentminerals) + ',' csv += str(c.currentinfluence) + ',' csv += str(c.energyproduction) + ',' csv += str(c.mineralproduction) + ',' csv += str(c.influenceproduction) + ',' csv += '\n' print('---------------------') print( print("Score:", c.score, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.score > c.score])+1) print("Number of Known Techs:", c.techscore, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.techscore > c.techscore])+1) print("Military Power:", c.militarypower, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.militarypower > c.militarypower])+1) print("Number of Colonies:", c.numcolonies, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.numcolonies > c.numcolonies])+1) print("Number of Planets:", c.numplanets, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.numplanets > c.numplanets])+1) print("Number of Subject Nations:", c.numsubjects, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.numsubjects > c.numsubjects])+1) print("Accumulated Energy:", c.currentenergy, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.currentenergy > c.currentenergy])+1) print("Accumulated Minerals:", c.currentminerals, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.currentminerals > c.currentminerals])+1) print("Accumulated Influence:", c.currentinfluence, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.currentinfluence > c.currentinfluence])+1) print("Energy Production:", c.energyproduction, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.energyproduction > c.energyproduction])+1) print("Minerals Production:", c.mineralproduction, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.mineralproduction > c.mineralproduction])+1) print("Influence Production:", c.influenceproduction, '---- Rank:', len([0 for v in cntrs if v.influenceproduction > c.influenceproduction])+1) print('---------------------') fs = zf[:zf.rfind('.')] + '.csv' ttf = open(fs, 'w') ttf.write(csv) ttf.close() if __name__ == '__main__': if (len(sys.argv) > 1): zf = sys.argv[1] ttt() input() else: ttt()